Monday, August 19, 2013

How Paul Bunyan and Babe will help the Affordable Care Act (and MNsure)

MNsure (Minnesota's health insurance exchange) has rolled out it's Ad campaign with Paul Bunyan and Babe, the Blue Ox, making the pitch that Minnesota is the land of 10,000 reasons to get health insurance.

Not that I plan on filling my Blog with  the commercials from every state exchange, but this is a witty and clever example of getting the attention of the uninsured (in Minnesota's case 1.3 million of them) that it's a good idea to have health insurance coverage. 

This rollout in states that have decided to create their own exchange is the one best chance for the law to gain traction with the American people enough to take it out of the liability column for the President and his administration. 

That in of itself is a tall order and will need a Paul Bunyon like effort to succeed with 40% of the population polling that they don't understand (or approve of?) the Affordable Care Act.

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